Does timepage have a url scheme?

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Open Timepage to the new event screen. Title and day can be optionally specified. Callback URL can be optionally specified.

timepage://add_event?title=&day=<day*> <br><br> "Add Event" also supports x-callback-url in the format: <br><br> timepage://x-callback-url/add_event?x-success=<success callback url>&x-cancel=<cancel callback url>&<other regular parameters> <br><br> Open Event <br><br> Open Timepage and show a specified event. <br><br> timepage://open_event?event=<"next" | event_id> <br><br> timepage://open_event_map?event=<"next" | event_id> <br><br> <br><br> Open Day / Week / Month <br><br> Open Timepage and show a specified day, week, or month <br><br> timepage://open_day?day=<day*> <br><br> timepage://open_week?week=<"this" | "next" | index**> <br><br> timepage://open_month?month=<"this" | "next" | index**> <br><br> <br><br> Open Weather <br><br> Open Timepage and show weather for a specified dar or week. <br><br> timepage://open_weather?day=<day*> <br><br> timepage://open_weather?week=<"this" | "next" | index**> <br><br> <br><br> Search <br><br> Open Timepage and show search results for the specified search terms. <br><br> timepage://search?query=<text> <br><br> Get Event (use x-callback-url to fetch info about an event) <br><br> Get a specified event and return its details via a specified callback URL. <br><br> timepage://x-callback-url/get_event?event=<"next" | event_id>&x-success=<success callback url> <br><br> "Get Event" calls the success callback url (x-success) with the following parameters: <br><br> start=<yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm>&end=<yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm>&title=<event title>&location=<event location> <br><br> <br><br> <br><br> _____________________________________________________________ * <day> can be specified as either: <br><br> Date in the format yyyy-mm-dd Special strings "today" or "tomorrow" Upcoming weekday name (long or short) such as "monday", "tuesday, "wed", etc. Is specific to the language set by the device. Always specifies the next upcoming day with this name. **<index>specifies an offset to the current week/month. For example, when opening a specific week, index 0=this week, 1=next week, -1=last week, etc. </div> <!-- END_dwmarker --> <div class="fs-16 lh-36 fw-500 border-top faq-title-w mw-lg-100 pt-lg-1"> Was this answer helpful? </div> <div id="faq-content-buttons"> <button type="button" data-survey-content-id="does-timepage-have-a-url-scheme" data-faq-survey-value="Yes" class="faq-survey-answers btn-pill fs-16 lh-32 px-3 my-1 me-lg-2" data-url="/on/"> Yes </button> <button type="button" data-survey-content-id="does-timepage-have-a-url-scheme" data-faq-survey-value="No" class="faq-survey-answers btn-pill fs-16 lh-32 px-3 my-1" data-url="/on/"> No </button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="order-lg-1"> <div id="faq-content-navigation" class="pt-6 pt-lg-0 border-bottom accordion me-lg-5 mb-4"> <div id="folder-faqProductSupportFlow" class="collapsible-xxl border-top"> <a href="#" role="button" class="tab title with-animation d-flex flex-nowrap align-items-center hover-nounderline" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="folder-faqProductSupportFlow-content"> <div class="fs-22 lh-26 fs-lg-24 lh-lg-32 fw-700 fw-lg-500 py-3 py-lg-2 faq-title"> Flow </div> <div class="tab icons ms-auto lh-16 fs-16 position-relative"> <span class="i-plus hide-active"></span> <span class="i-minus hide-noactive position-absolute r-0 t-0"></span> </div> </a> <div id="folder-faqProductSupportFlow-content" class="content with-animation" > <div> <ul class="list-unstyled h-auto fs-18"> <li class="py-3 py-lg-2 ps-2 border-top fs-18 lh-26 lh-lg-32 fw-500"> <a href="/en-gb/faq/app-support-flow.html" class="content-list-item " > App Support – Flow </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div id="folder-faqProductSupportpage" class="collapsible-xxl border-top"> <a href="#" role="button" class="tab title with-animation d-flex flex-nowrap align-items-center hover-nounderline" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="folder-faqProductSupportpage-content"> <div class="fs-22 lh-26 fs-lg-24 lh-lg-32 fw-700 fw-lg-500 py-3 py-lg-2 faq-title"> Page camera </div> <div class="tab icons ms-auto lh-16 fs-16 position-relative"> <span class="i-plus hide-active"></span> <span class="i-minus hide-noactive position-absolute r-0 t-0"></span> </div> </a> <div id="folder-faqProductSupportpage-content" class="content with-animation" > <div> <ul class="list-unstyled h-auto fs-18"> <li class="py-3 py-lg-2 ps-2 border-top fs-18 lh-26 lh-lg-32 fw-500"> <a href="/en-gb/faq/does-page-camera-cost-money.html" class="content-list-item " > Does page camera cost money? 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